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Proposing to Someone Special You Love
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Proposing to your loved one can be fun - planning the surprise, making the arrangements - and then finally popping the question. However, before you drop a ring in his champagne, make sure you stand a fighting chance of him saying 'yes'. Here are a few ways of ensuring that he jumps up in joy when you pop the question...

When to Propose
1) The relationship's great; you sense equal commitment on both sides and you have all the skills to make a further commitment really work.

2) You yourself have the energy to create a brilliant event to make your engagement. You'd love to do it, and love to see your beloved's face when you pop the question.

3) You've both discussed marriage and established a basic agreement that you're up for it. Actually, the proposal is a formality - you both know that whoever makes it, the answer will be yes.

How to do Propose your Love

1) A great proposal should be memorable. You want to feel good whenever you remember it - and be able to tell the story to your children and grandchildren.

2) A memorable proposal also needs to be based on knowledge of your partner and what he or she would truly like. As you're making all the decisions here, make them with him in mind - however tempted you are to fulfil your own romantic fantasies!

3) A great proposal is enjoyable. Men in particular can get emotionally overwhelmed - so avoid situations where he might feel vulnerable. Proposing in the middle of a Brazil - France football match is probably not a good idea! ;-)

Most Romantic Ways to Propose to Him

Make him feel special

Where to propose? Take him to his favourite restaurant. Request his special song to be played and order his favourite food.

Get him in a romantic mood

Invite him to your place and treat him to the best single malt. Make sure you are dressed in your sexy best. And you shouldn't be disturbed by unwelcome calls.

Catch him in the right spirit

When to propose? Don't propose to him on a day when he's had it bad at work. Or say, he's upset about something. Gauge his mood and only then go ahead.

Give him subte hints

It's best to let him know of your intention in advance. But do it subtly. Say for example, tell him, you need to talk to him about something important. It shouldn't come as a surprise.

Say it with confidence

Don't beat about the bush or show your nervousness. Look into his eyes and say it with confidence. He'll love you even more for that.

Avoid Overdoing

Don't show your desparation. Otherwise you might lose the guy.

Be prepared for the worst

That is if it doesn't go the way you thought it would. Just don't cry before him.

All set? My good lucks to you.

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posted by Linda Ringwood @ 5:32 AM  
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Name: Linda Ringwood
Home: New York City, New York, United States
About Me: I am a simple gal with a great passion for music and reading.Basically, I read all that I lay my hands on,but my favorite remains horrors and mysteries.I love hanging out with my friends occasionally, but my family comes first! Apart from that, movies fascinate me.
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