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Unique Dating Ideas!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
The key to planning a great date is to understand your personal style and preferences, as well as those of your date. Planning the right date will score you major relationship points. Going against the likes and style of your date could derail any relationship.
Here are some unique date ideas to cover a wide range of likes, hobbies, activities, and interests.

For Home Bodies

1. Cook a meal together - You're bound to have a recipe book in the house. Shop for the necessary ingredients and cook up a storm.
2. Play a board game - Rediscover your childhood with a heated match of Monopoly, Scrabble, or even Chutes & Ladders.
3. Watch a full season - Hit the video store and rent the entire season of your favorite show on DVD for a TV marathon night.

For True Romantics

1. Create love coupons - From foot rubs to back massages to kisses all over, you can light a spark just by cashing in the coupons.
2. Candles and music - Go all out with a traditional candlelight dinner. Let the music, dim lights, and candles fire up the romance.
2. Reserve a B&B - There's nothing like a cozy B&B to cuddle up, slow down your pace and simply get connected as a couple.

For Adventure Seekers

1. Spelunking - Imagine dangling over a 300 foot cavern and rappelling down into a cave. Not the best idea for those afraid of heights.
2. White water rafting - From class one to class five rapids the water can be as calm or rough as you want as you cruise down the river.
3. Race car driving school - Feel just like Dale Earnhardt Jr. for a day as you cruise around the track reaching speeds you never dreamed of on your local streets.

For Artistic Types

1. Pottery class - Back in grade school you probably created an ash tray or paper weight. Now's your chance to improve on those early year creations.
2. A time to kiln - Most major cities have places where you can paint ceramics, they'll fire it up, and you take home a great souvenir.
3. Attend an art show - You can go for mainstream artists at the local museum or seek out an offbeat, up and coming artist's work.

For Those Who Love to Learn

1. Cooking class - Why not chop, slice, and dice your way into expanding your cooking repertoire as a couple.
2. Audit a class - Go for one night and sit in on your favorite subject from history to art to marketing or even high finance.
3. Attend a poetry or book reading - It's one thing to cuddle in bed and read, it's another to hear the author read and interpret their own work.
For Charity Givers
1. Bingo night - Go to the local senior citizens home and call out those numbers. You'll feel pride when B4 leads to someone yelling "bingo."
2. Help at the hospital - Many hospitals have programs where people can donate their time and lend a hand to the patients and doctors.
3. Make a kid's day - Take an underprivileged kid to a ballgame or the circus... anything to put a smile on his or her face for one day.

For Sports Lovers

1. Watch a minor league game - Seeing the NY Yankees play is always fun but so is checking out the local minor league franchise.
2. Join a pickup game in the park - From softball to volleyball to ultimate frisbee, sports games break out all the time in the park.
3. Take a lesson - Give scuba diving a try or even take your first golf lesson together. You'll spend time together and learn something new.

For Travel Buffs

1. Go for a weekend getaway - There's nothing like two days away from to-do's and work pressure to recharge those batteries.
2. Plan a vacation - Sitting in front of the computer together and mapping out a fun vacation will build all kinds of anticipation.
3. Get in the car and drive - Head out without a particular destination in mind. You never know what you'll come across when you let spontaneity guide your way.

For Family Lovers
1. Double date with the folks - What better way to build relations with the future or current in-laws than going on a date together.
2. Play charades - It's an oldie but a goodie and a great way to bond families together as you decipher clues and laugh all night long.
3. Plan and cook a big, family dinner - Bring those long lost relatives together and host a family reunion dinner.

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posted by Linda Ringwood @ 2:52 AM  
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Name: Linda Ringwood
Home: New York City, New York, United States
About Me: I am a simple gal with a great passion for music and reading.Basically, I read all that I lay my hands on,but my favorite remains horrors and mysteries.I love hanging out with my friends occasionally, but my family comes first! Apart from that, movies fascinate me.
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