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What women want in her lover
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Men go nuts wondering about what does a woman really want?Mark Twain quoted "A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's because she changes it more often." Therefore on one hand you are crazy about your lady-love but on the other hand she gets on your nerves and drive you crazy with her whims. But you know for sure that she is your prized possession and more precious than the whole world. All your effort goes in to bring a smile on her face. So while you finish reading this off you will join the community of those few lucky men who somewhat know what their darlings desire. But the greater part will remain in mystery forever and ever.

She wants love

And this may not be necessarily on bed. They say that men give love to get sex and women give sex to get love.This is where most men go wrong taking their gals no more than sex-objects. She needs a friendly heart to share her things and love to know that how much she's wanted. Even if you want to watch ESPN or do something that to you may seem more exciting, but the fact is, your woman will go to the ends of the earth to love you when you truly listen to them and acknowledge their needs. You need to understand that women need to VENT. Allow her this, and she'll allow you in.

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She seeks confidence

Women want her lover to be confident. Confidence is the number one quality women look for. Don't be wimpy. Don't apologize for everything. Remember confident men are successful and thats what a woman wants her lover to be. Always be real. Be you.

She wants a “gentle”man

Women go nuts over a man who will go the extra mile. For example, you open the door for her, offer her to drop home etc I'm talking about being a GENTLEMAN!. If she is cold, offer her your jacket. If she is in trouble, protect her. If there is danger, put your arm around her. Be a real man. Then she will recognize the real lover in you.

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She appreciates creativity

Women falls for a man who is creative. Roses are nice. But sometimes it is extra special to think of something that most guys wouldn't do for a woman. It could be something frivolous, but if it is something that you think SHE would like, then why not do it? You might have just made her day.

She want s a sense of security

Women want a sense of security, to know that her partner will be there if she becomes sick or when she grows old or flabby. Giving a woman security is being there through emotional and physical support. An example might be if she has to have surgery. Take the day off and be there for her, hold her hand, and give your full support to her. In other words, postpone that "tee time"! Security comes from trust. Again, this is about being able to rely in your strength of character.

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She adores compliments

Men need to appreciate a women for the effort she goes through to be beautiful for him. There's nothing like a compliment like”you are looking ravishing tonight!”.do tell good things about your lady even if she does not have a hour-glass body. Appreciating what women go through is a way to develop gratitude. An "attitude of gratitude" goes a long way to improving a relationship. You can compliment her and let her know she is beautiful to you and that she is "perfect" one.



posted by Linda Ringwood @ 10:00 AM  
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Name: Linda Ringwood
Home: New York City, New York, United States
About Me: I am a simple gal with a great passion for music and reading.Basically, I read all that I lay my hands on,but my favorite remains horrors and mysteries.I love hanging out with my friends occasionally, but my family comes first! Apart from that, movies fascinate me.
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